Monday, January 22, 2007

We Love Christmas! What a fun time of year. We enjoyed all of our family & friends & wonderful FOOD!!

I too recieved many prescents as you will see the rest of my family did... mostly being cute decorations, its nice to be able to know what is in style:) I also got jewlery, a nice picture box that hangs on the wall & opens to a jewlery holder, burner rings for my oven & a bbq set!! Thank you!

1 comment:

chchoo said...

Thank you, thank you for the cool presents, N&K!! We got them last night. Afton loves the cradle and blanket and pillow. (So do I.) And the belt and jewelry is so cool. I'm a full-fledged rock star now! Kirk and Afton had a lot of fun shooting blow darts at each other, too. She's a warrior with a dolly tucked under one arm. Thanks a million!