Monday, January 22, 2007

We Love Christmas! What a fun time of year. We enjoyed all of our family & friends & wonderful FOOD!!

I too recieved many prescents as you will see the rest of my family did... mostly being cute decorations, its nice to be able to know what is in style:) I also got jewlery, a nice picture box that hangs on the wall & opens to a jewlery holder, burner rings for my oven & a bbq set!! Thank you!

Nephi = FUN!

Look at his face, this shows you that we all had a great Christmas! And we were all spoiled. Nephi got some nececery work pants, shoes, socks, but he got some fun things too. a bag full of gun accessaries, bullets, a huge flat screen for our also new computer :) (things go alot faster now and "Spider, pinball, mindsweep" are our constant new sports around here. We even have tournaments...crazy.

Tillman = Paper

Tillman is in the paper eating stage this year. Since paper was EVERY WHERE.. Tillman was in heaven. he unwraped cute cars, clothes, a West Coast Choppers hat (from uncle Blair), a beautiful hand quilted blanket:) next year he will be more fun to buy for.

Teancum = all boy...

Teancum got some fun boy toys, Star Wars transformers (Chewy & Hans) , fishing jacket & sponge Bob pole, cars, dinosaur shirts (3) one that even glows in the dark, a Marbol Run, a Leap pad with a dino book, and a shark that actually swims in the water. we have taken it to Green Canyon and practice diving and scaring people.

Nella = Pink!! Nella got some pink shirts, pink glitter pants, a pink camo tent with a pink water bottle, pink flashlight. a pink princess dress, and I am sure something else PINK!! She did get a green sunday dress from me though. And it looks great on her.

Mary (Mazie) & Jesus (Tillman)

Joseph (Teancum) Angel (Nella) Shepard (Syd) Donkey (arrel) Narrator (Joe)

We love playing Nativity!

(our donkey is great with kids)

Nephi & I went on a fun date, sleigh ride, dinner, & a show