Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Back in the groove of things!

Teancum's first day of 1st grade! He seems to like his teacher Miss. Hill, may be she can excite him more about being at school.
I have done a circle, now you can put the pictures in order. it would be easier if we kept up on this. what a fun thing... Thanks for everyone helping us have a great summer!

Allen Reunion 2007

Thanks Grandma & Pa for the great week! Rollin & Julie, thanks for the shirts and everyone else for helping me have fun with my Tye dying!! What a fabulous family!

Watch out Marcia!! Just one of the water fights for the week...
Sid got it good!

Hey Amber, I like this one! Julie, Can't wait to see more pictures :)

I know that my family enjoyed the Allen Reunion this year... Yellowstone, Playing -games, tye dying, dress up, birthdays, dancing- Boating, Floating the river, expecially the FOOD!! Thanks for everything, Arrel & Marcia and all families

Huckelberries.... well, we found 10 or so, enough for us to get a taste. Not a good crop this year we hear. We had fun looking anyway and then had a long hike & lunch at Cress Creek


This is one thing that we have had a lot of this summer. Crawdads are fun to catch but eat??? Well, atleast the kids like them and Nephi is a good cracker.

Dance Festival

This is Chie I love their costumes, but they look like it would be hard to sit in. We also hosted Chigusa and Koishi the team's sensei. They were wonderful.

We had a great time with 3 girls from Japan this year and the Dance Festival, they were beautiful dancers and very nice to be with. They loved going on a "ride of death" with Aros at the Sand Dunes, making their own tye die shirts, and they loved the Gardens @ BYU-I only wish they had more time to explore!

We were able to visit with the Blanchard's in MT, did a little AC & dental work! Thanks Dr. Jon

4th of July

Thanks for the suprise visit Julie & kids!

Lake Powell 2007

Defiance House @ Powell a bit more of a walk this year... But we all made it... Even Grandma Merritt
Even Katherien can get some air at Lake Powell! What a great week with everyone! Thanks!

This is Katherine's latest! Nephi rented out his St. Anthony shop windows to a photographer and shared a space for a cake... Looked great until it melted in the setting sun!

Show Time

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
Following the crowd... :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007


rain song


teancum loves to swim and fly. we camped out on the lake the friday before labor day and caught crayfish and perch and played in the water. teancum was showing off for the other strangers that were sharing the dock with us.

dad broke his hand and three days later tank broke his arm. we cut the cast off four weeks later on the way to lake powell. water therapy is always a good way to rehabilitate the body.

after all summer we finally got some rain.
teancum and nella caught some wolly buggers while we were eating at "the rapids of Death"

teton river

clean up crew
after a fish dinner tiller has clean up.